What Does It Take to Scale a Property Portfolio Quickly? with Jude Gomes

Jude Gomes on the Andrew Hines real estate investing podcast

In E270, meet Jude Gomes, an inspiring 22-year-old entrepreneur who’s rapidly climbing the ranks in the real estate and business world. Starting young, Jude now boasts ownership of multiple residential units, including a 10-unit complex, a sixplex, and a fourplex, on top of his success in wholesaling properties. Jude’s real estate strategy is all about […]

Are You Repelling Money?

It might sound like a funny question but please take a moment to consider… There is no one thing that affects your financial future more than this. Our Financial Genetics We all learned about money somewhere… For most of us, that somewhere was our home when we were kids. We learned from our parents. I […]

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