Appreciation – It Costs Us Nothing and is Essential to Life

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dale carnegie


Did you know that a true, sincere complement could mean the difference to another person’s day?


Scientific studies have found that 50% of cases of patients with mental illnesses (that are not related to disease) show no physical reason for their condition.


For a long time scientists didn’t know why it happened. Dale Carnegie, a well known author on human relations, discussed a theory that these patients who developed mental problems did so to gain a feeling of importance.


He even quoted a specific case in his famous book, How to Win Friends and Influence People.


In his example he interviewed a doctor about a women who had been diagnosed as “insane”. This is an exact quote from the book:


I have a patient right now whose marriage proved to be a tragedy. She wanted love, sexual gratification, children and social prestige, but life blasted all her hopes. Her husband didn’t love her. He refused even to eat with her and forced her to server his meals in his room upstairs. She had no children, no social standing. She went insane; and, in her imagination, she divorced her husband and resumed her maiden name. She now believes she has married into English aristocracy, and she insists on being called Lady Smith.

And as for children, she imagines now that she has had a new child every night. Each time I call on her she says: ‘Doctor, I had a baby last night.’


Grant A Feeling of Importance – It Might Just Change Someone’s Life”


Who knows what might have happened to this women had someone taken the time to appreciate her and tell her that certain things she did mattered?


Be the change today.


The next time you notice someone do a good job, don’t just let it go unnoticed. Acknowledge their work. After all, everyone loves being appreciated!


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