Think Truth In Spite Of Appearances

  In Vienna today.. wow is it ever amazing. I actually went to a cafe that many incredible people (and some infamous people – including Hitler) used to frequent.. it was a strange feeling to be in that space and was interesting to see.. Absolutely amazing architecture. Here’s a shot I took from the outside. […]

The Power Of Responsibility

Last day here in the Monaco area and wanted to shoot out a quick video/post on the Power of Responsibility. I was listening to a powerful audio this morning on something I learned a while back and thought it would be a good topic. When we accept that we are responsible for our lives a […]

A Recipe For Instant Change

Do you have a behavior or habit that you’ve been wanting to change? Did you know that there is a concrete reason as to why you haven’t changed it yet? So what is it? It’s because you have uncertainty about whether it’s worth it or not. I’m still on my Tony Robbins kick so I […]

What If…

Far too often I’ve witnessed (and been guilty of) the phrase “I can’t”… But “What if…” …What If there was another way of living? …What if there was a way to be happier? …What if there was a way to live your dreams? While I can’t promise that “what if” will lead instantly to your […]

What’s Your Identity?

I’m loving listening to Tony Robbins… he has a way of explaining things that is easily understood by almost anyone. This morning I was listening to a story he was telling about The Scorpion and The Frog. If you’ve never heard it it goes like this: There is a scorpion at the side of a river […]

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