The Best Way To “Win” An Argument?

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dale carnegie

Dale Carnegie had it right with this one.

I can remember many pointless discussions in social situations where I’ve felt like I was right and argued my point…

…the problem is… no one wants to be around someone who has to be right. And I’m sure I put more than a few people off by my reckless approach.

I suppose it was my competitive nature… I still catch myself doing this from time to time but I love Dale Carnegie’s approach and make an effort to think twice before correcting anyone.

All we will get out of trying to convince someone that they are wrong is resentment.

So why not let someone believe they are right… even if we know that they are not?

It allows a person to save face…

Of course we can’t always agree.. but as Carnegie put it, there are many ways we can go about tactfully disagreeing.

Starting with “Well, I always thought differently, but I could be wrong and often am…” is always promising.

Who can argue with “I could be wrong?”

At some point, all of us are wrong about something…

Make the other person feel important

At the end of the day, we all enjoy feeling important.

It’s a basic human need.

Don’t take away another persons feeling of importance to satisfy your own. Let them know you’re just another living, breathing human and just want to “uncover the facts”.

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