The Habit Of Happiness

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habit of happiness


This is a great Lincoln quote and very true.

Did you know that the practice of being happy actually improves your function in almost all areas?

Creativity, reasoning… eyesight.. you name it!

It took me a long time to realize that happiness was a decision.

A lot of people (myself included) say or have said, “I’d be happy if I had a better job”, or “I’d be happy if I had better friends” etc..

but these are all decisions to be unhappy.

delaying happiness is just downright wrong.

you deserve to be happy.

I was reading a book and there was an example of a man that just lost $200,000 in the stock market. He said to his doctor “I’ve lost $200,000, how can I be happy? I’ve lost everything, I’m ruined”. His doctor responded…

“well you could start by not coloring the facts with your opinion…”


the doc responded, “well the fact is that you’ve lost $200,000. The statement that you’ve lost everything and are ruined is an opinion”

This tweaked my interest when I read it because I thought back to the times that I used to make excuses to be unhappy.

The man who lost the $200,000 changed his attitude and became richer than he ever had been because he stopped coloring the facts negatively with his opinion.

This is quite liberating because if he can do it. You can do it, I can do it.. anyone can!

We can be as happy as we decide to be.

It literally is a habit.

A habit of the mind.

A habit of choosing our responses rather than being a victim to them.

So today, do yourself a favor and decide to be happy no matter what happens. Your creativity (and eyesight) will thank you!

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