Writing a Blog Post – How to Ensure They Get Read in 5 Easy Steps

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If you’re looking for a little extra juice on writing a blog post for your audience and ensuring they are receptive, here are a few tips that will help. The goal of all these points is to improve readability which will always improve the number of people who read your post!

I’ll ask you to just try these suggestions for at least 15 posts and gauge your results. If you’re not satisfied at the point, you’re more than welcome to go back to the old way.


Writing a Blog Post – 5 Steps of Refinement

1.   Be yourself – Humans have a sense for when you are being sincere and when you are not. So just be you.  When writing a blog post, Show your emotions, show your humor and go ahead and be weird because it’s entertaining. (I’m kind of weird… I need to show it more :p).You have a competitive advantage at being you. No one can do it as well as you can!

Be Yourself


2.   Write Like You Talk – You’re obviously very smart because you’re taking the time to learn and write more about what you’re passionate about. So keep it simple and speak to your average reader.

You’ll need to check your ego at the login page.  There is a large audience out there that does not blog and did not even graduate from high school. They are a great audience to have!

Since the average person doesn’t enjoy reading a thesis paper… don’t write one. This means: no big words (the average person shouldn’t need a thesaurus to read your post) and make a sincere effort to be clear and precise.

Back in my teaching days, my mentor told me to always “speak to the middle“. This is just another way of saying “speak to the masses”. So speak to the masses, and speak like you talk.  You’ll be glad you did.

a picture is worth 1000 words


3.   Use Pictures – Humans are visual. In both Facebook posts and Blog Posts I’ve consistently noticed that posts with pictures get a better response. Take a look back on this blog reel. You’ll see the most likes on posts with an interesting picture.


4.   Write Less and Use Lots of White Space – Have you ever opened a novel and set it right back down after noticing the size 6 font that spans all the way to the sides of the page with a line spacing that seems almost non-existent? 1000 words per page is not enjoyable to read for anyone.

It’s far less overwhelming  for the average reader to read small blocks of text… I know first hand because I grew up being a very slow reader….

So break up your paragraphs into to one to three sentence blocks and write shorter posts. I know it might be difficult to convince yourself to write less… but you’ll get greater readership if you do because your posts will appear less like ‘work’ to read. Obviously not all will be short but it’s nice to have more posts in the 200-300 word range. By doing so you can just post more often!


5.   Ask Your Readers To Share – When you make a post you feel good about (which should be all of them), don’t be afraid to ask your visitors to share it and subscribe to your blog (by the way, please share and subscribe to my blog by submitting your email address into the box at the top right-hand corner of the page if you’ve found this helpful :))

Also be sure to share it on Facebook, Twitter etc if you feel your friends are an appropriate audience for the post. This will instantly improve your readership.

share your blog post

Writing a Blog Post – Concluding Thoughts

Writing a blog post for best readership can be a science. But of course, you’ll need to adjust your posts and still stay true to you. Thank you for reading. Again, if you’ve enjoyed this post, please share and subscribe in the top right of the screen.

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