Groundwork for Growth: Transformative Habits, Work Ethic, and Wealth Building

In E267B, I’m stepping away from our regular interview format to dive into some personal reflections, analytical musings, and targeted advice that I hope will resonate with real estate investors and a wider audience. One concept I’ve been pondering lately is the importance of finding one’s equilibrium. I’ve noticed how small adjustments in my routine—like […]

Challenge Assumptions

For some reason I’ve always been a fan of challenging assumptions.  It’s probably a key reason why I decided to be an entrepreneur. Today I just wanted to share my take on why it’s important to challenge the assumptions of society at large. Did you know that Doctors used to encourage smoking and actually endorse certain brands […]

Are You Repelling Money?

It might sound like a funny question but please take a moment to consider… There is no one thing that affects your financial future more than this. Our Financial Genetics We all learned about money somewhere… For most of us, that somewhere was our home when we were kids. We learned from our parents. I […]

Leaders are Readers – How to Excell in Any Field

Want to become the top performer in your company or improve sales in your business? The solution might be more simple than you think! Have you ever heard the expression, “leaders are readers“? I actually used to pride myself on not reading… I know, sounds silly… I was sort of cynical when I was younger […]

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