About Andrew Hines

Andrew Hines speaking at the Feb 25th 2020 REITE Club meeting

Andrew Hines is a seasoned real estate investor, business-builder, educator, and podcast host, well-recognized for his extensive experience in the field. Andrew graduated with and HBA from the Richard Ivey School of Business in 2008 and spent three years teaching introductory business at Western University as a Lecturer. He has been investing in real estate since 2011 and completing value-add projects since 2015, primarily in the luxury student rental space. Andrew started a project management company for building out new-construction townhomes in 2016 and has since built over 50 residential units throughout Southwestern Ontario. Andrew is an advocate for treating real estate investing like a business and uses his experience in his educational endeavors, coaching numerous investors on strategies to achieve financial independence and scale their portfolios effectively.


His podcast, “The Andrew Hines Real Estate Investing Podcast,” serves as a platform for sharing insights, strategies, and success stories, connecting a community of like-minded individuals passionate about real estate investing. With a background that blends practical investing experience and investor-focused work, Andrew has become a pivotal figure in the Canadian real estate investing community.

Social Links:

Podcast Listen Links

Instagram (@theandrewhines)

Enjoy the content!

651 Responses

      1. Andrew,
        What a wonderful blog. I wish you to growth your desire to help others so that universe will remember you.

        Thank you always for being the first one to like my pages. I always think that if someone reads me, then I made it to be another chapter of my life.


    1. Thanks for following my blog, Andrew. And thanks for your own inspiring blog.
      There is a thoughtful kindness that you send out into the world, and I appreciate it.
      I’m wishing you great things.

      Cynthia Reyes, also a blogger and author of A Good Home.

  1. Hi Andrew, thank you for following my blog angel. It is an absolute pleasure to journey alongside folks who are so passionate, spirited and determined to make a positive contribution. I look forward to celebrating all the success that is destined to come your way.

  2. Hey Andrew!

    I am honored that a fellow writer is following my blog. I don’t know about you, but as a writer I sometimes feel like a castaway on a deserted island. It warms my heart to know that you will be visiting me.

    Have a great day!

  3. Rita, thanks for posting this comment. I appreciate you and what you’re doing. Keep seeing the good in the world because there is so much of it! πŸ™‚

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Sara-Loretta! I love to see people doing what they enjoy and you’re clearly doing that with your poetry! πŸ™‚

  4. Hi there
    thank you for following my blog! I am so honored πŸ™‚ You have such a great blog. will spend my time to dive you great stuff πŸ™‚ Blessing!

  5. Hello, Andrew. First, I love the song. You have a very cool manner of singing — like Counting Crows and David Byrne together. Thanks for signing up to be a regular reader of Diabetic Redemption. I have a Friends page, where my readers leave info about themselves and their blogs. I hope you will to. Please confine internet marketing to your comments on the Friends page; I ask this of all internet marketers. I think my readers and I are solid enough in our own selves not to need to change in that way. If they want to, they can find you on Friends, where your comment will come in at the top. I would really enjoy adding your voice to our conversations. Welcome! 😎

    1. Thanks for this Judith. I really appreciate you taking a look. Really appreciate your blogging topic theme! πŸ™‚

  6. Thanks for joining me on my journey. It’s an honor to have you follow along! Keep looking for the good things in life! πŸ™‚

  7. Thanks Andrew for following my blog.. I am honored. πŸ™‚ Your blogs are great pleasure to read… specially the “You are perfect” made my day. Cheers!

  8. Thanks for following my blog! I can’t seem to figure out how to follow yours back!? In any case, it seems quite inspiration & I am looking forward to your posts. Namate πŸ™‚

    1. Thanks for checking out my blog, Namate! πŸ™‚ You can follow me back by entering your email on the top right of the screen or by visiting my page and clicking follow at the top. Hope you’re having an awesome day!

  9. I want to thank you for following me and so finding your blog. Your passion and attitude towards life is admirable.

  10. Hello Andrew,
    Thanks for following and visiting my blog. I enjoyed listening to you and your band. At some point, I would also like to check out the business side of writing a blog. Keep following your dreams.

  11. Thank you for the “like” and I really enjoyed your history and entertaining video! I hope to see you soon! Til then, good luck and WOOF! Love, Maggie the Pitbull

    1. Haha, no that’s a different Andrew Hines. I’m determined to beat him out on the search engine and take number one spot for the name πŸ™‚

  12. Thanks for stopping by and making the decision to follow me on my journey! It’s great to have you join me.
    Keep thinking good things! Thanks again!

  13. Thanks for dropping by and following my blog. From what you write I can imagine you finding inspiration in all sorts of place and I hope I will provide a tiny part of that. Enjoy your journey!

  14. May God bless you as you pursue your dream of helping others and inspiring them to pursue their dreams also. Thank you very much for becoming a follower of From the Inside Out. I’m delighted you find the posts meaningful.

  15. Hi, Andrew! First, your band has a fantastic sound. It reminds me of several favorites but has a sound all of its own (which is kind of the dream, really). Always great to come across a fellow musician. Second, thanks for following Heels to Kicks! I appreciate the support. Best of luck in your endeavors!

  16. Hi, I enjoyed your video with your band….love your singing and your sound. You and the band are so aligned with the new energy coming through now β™₯ Thank you for the follow and I am honored to meet you and follow your blog in turn. Blessings to you and I look forward to receiving your posts. Have a joyful day! β™₯

  17. Thank you so much for following my blog as I hack my way through the writing world (no pun intended…hopefully). It’s nice to read someone so positive and motivated. I should try that. Hahaha. Thanks again.

  18. Thank you Andrew for following my little corner of the blogosphere…I am so inspired to see someone that is where I want to be that has the same passions and gifts that I do. Im followoing intently….lead the way Obi-wan!

  19. I’m not in business and I don’t blog for monetary gain but I can always do with a little more inspiration! Thanks so much for visiting and for following. I pray you continue to follow and be blessed with a little inspiration as well.

    God’s Blessings,

  20. Hello Andrew! I look forward to really diving into your blog. Also, thank you for following my blog at Faith1st Ministries. I hope it has and will continue to be a major blessing in your life. May God richly bless you as you continue to write and blog. Please continue with us on this journey and remember to have Faith 1st because the “just shall live by his faith.” — Sebastian

  21. Thanks for following my blog. Really nice singing there and very motivating stuff you write here. Glad to meet a fellow being who is generous and helpful πŸ™‚

  22. I love music, too.. Everytime I feel lonely, happy and alone, I just listen to music.. I’m glad that I’ve found your blog..
    Your singing is nice! I hope I can sing also.. I’m a frustated singer you know.. XDD .. Keep singing and inspiring people through your blog..

    Thanks for following my blog. I really appreciate it! ^_____^

  23. Thanks for following my blog. Was looking to follow back but there is no “follow” button. I read some of your posts and I like what you are trying to do. πŸ™‚

    1. Thanks for stopping by Alexis! You can follow by email by clicking the box on the right side on any page of my blog πŸ™‚

  24. You know the best thing about your blog? It reaches out to people and inspires them to make efforts to improve their live. This is not just an online journal for all to see, it is a powerful magic that you are sharing with everyone. God bless you. keep up the good work!

  25. Hi Andrew! Thank you for finding my blog and following. I’m hoping to make a positive impact on people – and I’m praying that God can use my blog to reach out to people around the world. I am new to wordpress blogging (well sort of – did it a long time ago and had stopped – but it feels SO great to get back into it) and I think I can learn a lot from you! Keep sharing positive messages! πŸ™‚ God Bless!

  26. Thanks for pointing me in your direction! Loved the video bio, and the music video. As a musician myself, and music educator, I am always thrilled listen to artists who are passionate about what they do! Great music, great blog. Thanks!

  27. Thanks for following FIGHTER FAITH. I look forward to exchanging posts! If you would like to receive future posts via e-mail, come on back and join my e-mail subscriber list to receive a free gift.

  28. Thank you for following my brand new blog. I’ve always wanted to blog, and this is my first time! It’s great to be among people who appreciate life and the people in it as much as I do. Not to mention the love for music we share πŸ™‚ Thanks so much!

  29. Thanks for following me! I’m still very new to WP, how do I follow you? Or do I just subscribe to email updates? I’d really love to see your posts in my reader!

    1. Thanks! I think if you just look at the top of the page you should see a “follow” button in the top left! πŸ™‚

          1. hmmm.. i know wordpress has been having a few issues over the last few days. It might have something to do with it. Just make sure you’re logged into wordpress on the main site before visiting mine. Thank you! πŸ™‚

  30. Thanks for the follow Andrew! By the way, I think we might be the same person πŸ™‚ haha, every word you used to describe yourself in the video I would use to describe my vision and passion also. Love it! Keep going, excited to see where our lives take us and how we will inspire the world and others to live free.

  31. Appreciate the follow, my good fellow. I shall reciprocate. Meanwhile, I will contact you by email with any other comments or questions, to keep this reply mercifully brief, as it should be. It’s enough for now to say, Hail, fellow, well met, and initiate a positive connection. Always happy to do that!

  32. Thank you for following EFED. I pray that you will be blessed and encouraged by the things that are shared every day. I look forward to sharing with you in the future. God bless you.

  33. thanks so much for stopping by and following my blog Andrew! i enjoyed reading about your blog as well…bringing encouragment to others is a great thing to do! i hope i too can do the same πŸ™‚ …i’m pretty new at this and not quite as good as most of you, but i’m trying my best! btw, liked your pics and enjoyed your playing/singing, you have a unique voice! and thanks for clarifying you’re not the one behind the motocycles, it helps us all to know you better! keep blogging and being yourself!

  34. Thanks for viewing our Ray of Hope Ministries Bible Study web-site, (rohmbible.wordpress.com. You might also want to view our other web-site, Today’s Enlightenment (rohmnj.wordpress.com.
    Grace and peace, Patty Perez and Ray Gough

  35. Thanks for the follow! πŸ™‚ This is one of the better about me posts that has crossed my path πŸ™‚ keep up the great work! Cant wait to get post from you in my email!!

  36. Thank you for checking out my blog Andrew! I am very much into self development and helping people realize the power of self-education. We should definitely stay in touch. I am just starting out on this journey maybe you could have some pointers for newbie? πŸ™‚

  37. I started a casual stroll down and realised I was nowhere near the bottom!

    Thanks for liking my blog and following. I’m still working on creating an identity for it yet so the topics are a bit here and there for the moment.

    Hope you have a good read and all the best.

  38. Hi Andrew! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and deciding to follow it. You’re the third one! I’ve looked at some of your recent work and it’s truly inspiring. Keep it up! I will definitely be back to look around some more.

  39. Andrew,

    Great blog and nice band you’ve got man. I really like and can appreciate your passion and dedication to enjoying life to the fullest and being of help to others. Thank you for following my blog as well; I wish you and your band the best. Continue to enjoy life fully and keep on moving forward with purpose! I’d really appreciate your feedback about my blog as well; It’s pretty new and I’m really interested in finding out if I’m being of help to others going forward.


    1. Hey Michael,

      I like where you’re going with your blog! Solid “about me” page as well! It’s not a matter of if you’re being a help to others but of how many you are helping. The best way to help as many people as possible is to speak to them at their level and just be you! I’d recommend making your blog as personal as possible and posting frequently with “bite sized” concepts. Based on what I’ve read you’ve probably got quite a well of ideas to draw upon so this should be no problem. πŸ™‚ Would love to know a bit more about what specifically is “fueling your fire”. You might find this article I wrote helpful πŸ™‚ https://www.andrew-hines.com/2013/07/23/writing-a-blog-post-how-to-ensure-they-get-read-in-5-easy-steps/

  40. Thanks for following my blog. I’m glad you liked it. I’m just getting started and so far just having a lot of fun with it. Its so cool hearing from so many interesting people all over the world.
    Good luck with your blog and your band.

  41. dang! you sing great : D

    W00T!!! hey, thanks for following my blog. are you your own boss? i.e. can you blog about what YOU want and like ? and what is the minimum? bc i am not interested in anything full time and have no dreams . am just living v simple life.

  42. Thanks for following my blog. I like your positive thinking, so have just started following your blog, too πŸ™‚

    I haven’t yet decided to enter my email and listen to your friend’s video about making money from blogs, but one of my problems is lack of trust in on-line money-making schemes. Maybe I’m being a coward here — no, just cautious (definitely not living for the moment, but thinking of all the things that could possibly be wrong with it).

    Doubtless, I’ll gather up courage soon.

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks for follow and the comment!

      I can totally understand your hesitation. I’ve seen many offers that over promise and under deliver. This is more of a way of life.. The link is for the specific program I’m using to generate on income from my blog..

      Because of leverage possibilities the income potential with almost any internet/affiliate marketing program is high.. but there are certainly no promises or guarantees. Some people who get started make absolutely nothing.. mainly because they aren’t consistent enough to get a result.

      the reality is that internet marketing is everywhere now with even walmart and Amazon offering affiliate programs where you can get paid to refer them traffic. Earning an income from blogging is all about getting traffic and is becoming a more and more viable provided the right approach is taken.

      I Hope this helps and Thanks for your honest comment.

      1. Thanks, Andrew. Not sure if my blog, as it stands, is geared towards money-making. I like to think of it as a peaceful and picturesque place for people to stop by without overloading them with words. That being said, I like the philosophical and calming nature of your blog posts!

        Will give what you’ve said some further thought, now you’ve put my mind at rest on certain points.

        It’s all a question of time. At the moment, I can’t spend more than a certain amount of hours on the internet with anything extra, as have to stay disciplined about completing a writing project.


  43. Awesome Guy! Thanks for following me… I am interested in the blogging coaching… Will contact you soon! Keep it going Andrew… Stay inspired, bubbly and motivated in order to radiate it toward us your followers… πŸ™‚

  44. Nice to meet you Andrew! You seems like a really mature, happy guy with all of his ducks in order… and so young! Well done. Thanks for checking out my blog and for the follow. πŸ™‚ xLaura

  45. Hi Andrew,
    You are positive and energetic, I enjoyed meeting you, thank you for following me here on WordPress.

    Keep in touch, I would like to see you again and chat up on life and doing what we enjoy,
    being an entrepreneur and other subjects of your interest.

    see epsteindesigngraphihcs. com and audreylynnepstein.com.

    I am a musician, photographer/graphic artist and creative business person.

  46. Yay, another life-lover! I knew more existed.
    Thank you for taking the time to visit and follow, it means a lot πŸ™‚ I look forward to reading. Also loving the sound of your band, good going!


  47. Hi Hines, thank you for stopping by at my blog and liking my Post ”GLORIFYING GOD”. I also thank you for following me. May you be bless more and more in all area of your life in the name of Jesus Christ.

  48. hey Andrew! thanks for following my Blog… you seem to be an amazing person…
    and I LOVED the playing..I don’t know the song, and I couldn’t focus on the lyrics since you and the the band was playing so beautiful that I only could concentrate on the music and it’s beautiful πŸ™‚
    your blog seems to be very interesting and positive (something that I need ^^) so I followed you!

  49. Great music – Bravo! Thanks, too, for visiting/following my blog – I, too, am living my dream, which I wrote a book about called “Solitary Desire-One Woman’s Journey to France”

  50. Thanks for liking my post. By doing so, it gives me the opportunity to visit your site and many others. I’m new to blogging and am finding I like this inter-action very much. I like your about page too. Thanks again.

    1. thanks for that Nadine. One of the great parts about doing this is all the positive feedback and interesting thoughts that people post. I really appreciate what you said. πŸ™‚

  51. Hey there,
    Thank you so much for stopping by blog and for the follow.

    Your blog awesome.
    I look forward to reading more.

    Big Love

  52. Beautiful cover of Coldplay’s “Fix You” – oddly enough, this is one of the songs that meant so much to me after my parents were diagnosed with cancer. Thank you for sharing.

  53. Thanks for following my blog. I am trying to get people to think differently about the power we all have through our retirement savings and how that collective pool of money funds big companies and the finance industry. By getting involved and holding the professional investors who manage our money to account, we can make the world a better place. So I am thrilled to have another reader and, hopefully, a convert to my philosophy.

    I really like your blog and way of thinking too! I’ll enjoy keeping up with your blog.

  54. Hello Andrew! It’s very nice to meet you. You seem like a very cool guy and you’re so talented! I’d love to feature you on my blog sometime. Thank you for following my blog. I’m following you as well and look forward to your post. πŸ˜€

  55. Morning, Andrew=) As everyone else has said, thank you for following my blog.

    After digging into your blog a bit, I see you like to encourage people to be bold and reach for their dreams. It’s an awesome message=)

    About a year ago, I started trying to do just that by starting a blog. It’s challenged and blessed me in ways I never could have imagined and now it’s helped me reach my goal of becoming a published author. (Self published short story anthology with 8 others.)

    Long story short, I was wondering if you’d be interested in letting me guest post on your blog to share the story and encourage others that getting out there and pursuing their dreams can lead to success.

    If you’re interested, here’s my email: jennifer.m.zeiger@gmail.com. Thank you again for following my blog. I look forward to seeing more of your encouraging, food for thought posts=)

  56. Hi Andrew

    I have noticed you are following my blog, so thank you for subscribing. It is always heartwarming and reassuring to find people like you, people who share a similar outlook on life.


  57. Thanks for following me! You’re official the first, what a delight! This means a lot to me, this is a whole new world because I’ve been thinking for a long time to start a blog and share my work or not … Here I am, trying my chances! PS: the first things I read on your blog, were truly amazing.

  58. Hi Andrew,
    Thanks for checking out my blog and for following. Read some of your posts and will follow you as well. Extra inspiration to keep going after our dreams is always welcome, isn’t it? πŸ™‚

  59. Hi Andrew, thanks for liking and following my blog. Yours looks real interesting and I shall stick around to see more of your positive attitude and go-get-it spirit. Its very refreshing. Peace πŸ™‚

  60. Hi Andrew, Thanks for the follow!
    Wanted to tell you I love your band! You guys have some mad awesome acoustic talent! Love your sound! OH! – and the percussion guy was pretty awesome as well!

  61. Oh my god, your singing just made me so happy that tears came to my eyes! Thank you so much for following my blog and more of that – thank you so much of writing yours. And continue singing, it is gift to the world!

  62. Hi Andrew
    Love your blog- think and grow rich is a classic and if we apply what it suggests life is infinitely more interesting than if we swirl in the negative. So glad to see you sharing your positive energy with the world. Send me a song and I’ll shoot you an album cover! (photography is my thing…)

    1. Thanks Jeanne, I might just have to take you up on that. We’re recording some new acoustic stuff this next month. When we get it together, I’ll send something over. πŸ™‚

  63. Thank you for visiting blogwhatif.com and especially about not just being a million a month site. I normally do not “follow” sites, but your dedication to your dream makes yours a notable exception.
    I also enjoyed your music–also an exception for me (it’s an old guy thing) as I am more into classical and Enya-genre sound. I find your’s to be a home-town-park sound rather than the deafening Stadium Rock Concert.
    Have you given any thought to writing and playing an accompanied vocal quartet sound … which would, I think, be an entirely new sound. Keep on exploring new territories.

    Feel free to contact me off-blog at whatifblogger@surewest.net

    1. Yes that cover was a bit of a change of pace for us but I love that style of music.. basically anything melodic and well harmonized is kind of my thing.. That’s actually funny because I’ve been saying how much I’d like to be a part of an acapella group. It’s be a great way to hone the vocals. Thanks for the feedback! πŸ™‚

  64. Hai there. Thanks for stopping by and following my blog.
    You have good posting opinions on your blog.
    It would be nice to read more of your story. πŸ™‚

  65. Andrew I will make this blog part of my Plan A. You have a great mission and I pray blessings for you and your career. Thanks for stopping by hisnamebpraised and following the blog. Take care. Doug

  66. Really enjoyed it but do wish I could hear the lyrics. Perhaps it is my age, but I think the words need to be stronger compared to the instruments. Could you not do it in a recording studio? If not I suggest taping the voice separately and then mixing it with the instruments to be sure the lyrics stay on top.

    1. Thanks for the feedback and taking a listen. We worked hard to mix it so everything could be clearly herd but will definitely keep this in mind for the next one to make sure we get it right πŸ™‚

  67. Andrew
    I do wish to be clear that it may only be a problem with my hearing, I am not sure. I was hoping some other younger people might reply to see if they agree or disagree. Perhaps if they disagree than you might consider posting the lyrics for the elderly like me to read as I think the words that I could make out were very inspiring.

  68. Hi Andrew, I came here from a link you left from following my blog. Now I am interested in the blogbeast. I’ve been to the website, by the Join buttons don’t work, and I’m wondering how to start. I would appreciate a guide. Many thanks.

    1. Hey Joseph, it will be available today at 3pm est along with the final video. Just make sure you’ve opted into the list from my website so I can send the join link to you. Ill give you a shout after you get started to welcome you. Cheers,

  69. This is really great stuff. Thanks for the follow. I’ll be interested in reading some of your stuff and hopefully it helps me balance my thoughts, too.

    Can’t wait to read more (and hear some more tunes).


  70. Hi Andrew,
    Thanks for liking my latest blogpost. I don’t always have time to go check out the blogs of ‘likers’ but somehow I was intrigued by you. And God, I’m so happy I did! You are a very inspirational person, I love your passion (and your singing). Do keep up the good work, I wish you all the best! Greetings from the Netherlands πŸ™‚

    She Wears: Fashion Illustration Blog

  71. Quite a lot of comments here, I almost couldn’t find my way down to this reply box. I just started blogging recently but I keep a diary since high school. I usually just write about personal feelings and what’s going on with my life. July of this year was my ultimate downfall and 2 months later I had to write to ease the pain inside. I know I’m not that good in writing but thank you for liking my posts.

  72. Hey darling, thank you for following! Also, i love your voice and the cover of Fix You was incredible. I’m a singer and guitar player myself so it’s good to see others out there playing real music so nicely!

    Good luck in your music, x

  73. Andrew thank you for stopping by my humble blog. I am one who does not turn down any words of inspiration or encouragement. We all need it. I am already enjoying your blog. I look forward to being inspired by you.

  74. Hi Andrew:

    Thanks for following my blog. It gave me a chance to find your blog and take a read around. I really enjoyed this video with your band. Keep enjoying an abundant life!


  75. Pingback: spartoo
  76. Hi there Andrew that is a lovely video about yourself and I was really taken with your band!!! Fix you , being one of my favourite songs! I want to thank you for stopping by and liking my blog enough to follow me. Thanks I am grateful. I hope you are well , I wish you well,be happy and be blessed.x

  77. Hello Andrew, I would like to add my thanks for stopping by and liking my blog. It is not until I reached home this evening that I’ve managed to open my emails and find your note and check out the intro page of your blog. I will not claim to have read all the comments, but from the two cited blogs, I very much look forward to doing some catch up. Sounds just like my cup of tea for not only inspiring, but with the added dose of motivation which is often quite challenging to be. Thank you once again.

    Bw, Grace

  78. Hi Andrew. Cool profile. I like your blog. it’s unique. Thanks for the like. I hope you enjoy and get inspired as much as I enjoyed yours :). Keep walking…

  79. You know… I never even listened to the words of that song until listening to your cover just now. Not only was it a great cover and you have a beautiful voice, but it spoke to me for what I’m going through in my life. And I find it even cooler that the message of that song came to me from an Andrew – my late-fiance’s name. πŸ™‚

    Thank you!

  80. Thanks for the follow! Andrew I must say that your success is amazing and you must feel so energized every day to know that you touch so many people with your work. Your music is wonderful as well and I wish you much continued success with it. πŸ™‚

  81. Hello Andrew
    I love the concept of your blog. Music + Inspiring message = Total win. BTW, you really are fortunate to have your own band. You guys sound really good. Anyway, thanks so much for following my blog.

    1. Thanks Kay. Not sure about the other ways to follow. I know some have done so through WordPress but I haven’t quite figured out how. πŸ™‚

  82. J’adore cette chanson! Very nice adaptation (don’t know if this word truly exist in english and if this phrase has some sense haha)
    I really like your “life concept”, and thank you for following my blog. Is the fries on the background of my blog or my last article about love that whithheld your attention? Just kidding, keep share what you love on your blog, and sorry for those mistakes in english!

  83. Oh! COLDPLAY is just so absurdly inspirational. I wish they’d come to my country and perform someday. If not, I suppose we can do with you (if you’d agree to perform for free).

  84. Nothing more flattering than a complete stranger liking your blog, your thoughts, and giving you a follow so they can see more. Thank you. I did the same for you and I watched your Coldplay cover which was great!

  85. Hi! Thanks for following History Undusted! You might also be interested in some of my other blogs, while you’re there. πŸ™‚
    Great cover recording! I’m a vocal coach, and started singing on stage at 4, recorded first commercials at 11, and have been in music since I could remember! My main job is author / writer, though I also have a week full of vocal students. Here’s one of my former students / producer of my husband’s and my 2 CDs; I laid the scratch tracks for all of the female vocals on this album (which also ended up as final cut on a lot of the background vocals, though not on this particular track), which was nominated for the best newcomer Christian album 2001 in the German-speaking area: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irfdkKQ0wNI . Keep singing!

  86. Thanks for the follow, Andrew. You’ve just inspired a sixty-two-year-old who had just about given up on life. I hope my blog can become one tenth as inspirational as yours – though, no doubt, in a very different way.

  87. Thank you for reading about the Servants of Charity. We are in 20 different countries around the world taking care of the world’s disabled people. Keep reading.

    I enjoyed the band’s performance. Keep up the good work.

  88. Thanks for following my crazy blog man. I find yours pretty interesting. Your video clip about how to make oneself influential gives me an idea on how to deal with my team.

    Great job!

  89. Thanks for stopping by my blog. It was great to have a new visitor! I’m looking foward to viewing your blog as well.

  90. Hi! Thanks so much for the follow, you’re officially the first! Your blog is already looking so impressive, especially this cover of a very meaningful song to me and definitely one of my favourites! Can’t wait to explore it more! Thanks again =D

  91. Thank you so much for recently following my blog. I appreciate you taking the time to stop by. Best wishes to you in your writing and encouraging others to reach their potential.

  92. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog for a look! Hope you enjoyed what you saw and come back for another visit sometime! Yours looks very interesting. I will need to spend some time here! πŸ™‚

    Ali πŸ™‚

  93. Thank you for the like on my Izabel Goulart blog, Andrew. Its a delight to write about someone who, despite the superficial aspects of the life of a supermodel, can be so inspirational and fascinating….xx

  94. Thanks for liking my blog post, Andrew. I see you have hundreds of comments here, so I hope you read this one. You say ‘The world grants big wishes’ and I hope that’s true in this case. I wish you’d buy my book and read it. I’m sure you’d enjoy it because it is inspirational too, and you did say you liked the blog post πŸ™‚ Christine

  95. Andrew,
    I like your blog and watched the first two videos on improving readership and following on a blog. I’ve got to work to improve my gravatar. Thanks for all the tips. I’m happy you liked my blog and are following it. I think our blogs will complement each other. Betsy

  96. Thank you so much for the like on my blog post today. It meant a lot to me! Your blog looks very interesting. I could do with some tips. Look forward to reading more πŸ™‚

  97. Hi Andrew,
    Thanks for liking my post on TransBio-Tex about stem cell technology and our wounded warriors. Hope you find my blog informative and will continue to follow. I definitely would like to boost my numbers and will be checking out your blog for that!

  98. Andrew, Thanks for following FIGHTER FAITH. I look forward to exchanging posts! If you would like to receive future posts via e-mail, come on back and join my e-mail subscriber list to receive a free gift.

  99. Hi! You’ve hit the β€œfollow” button on my blog and I am very grateful indeed. πŸ™‚ (Actually you were the first one to follow it). Though it will take me some more time to go through your posts, I am definitely gonna try and do that by year end. (wink).

  100. As I am looking to supplant my income after my full-time school librarian job was downsized to one day a week, making money by blogging sounds intriguing. Thank you for liking and following my blog. (Note: beautiful scenery in the background of your video!)

  101. Hey Andrew! Your band’s version of ‘Fix You’ is not too shabby! πŸ™‚ I love the original anyway and I really enjoyed listening to yours.

    Thanks for dropping by my blog and following! Not sure how you found me since I JUST started it up, but glad it peaked your interest and that you took the time to look around. I’ll be looking into yours a bit more.

    Thanks again! And keep singing! – JC

  102. Thanks so much for following my blog, Oh, the Places We See. It’s a pleasure looking at your blog and seeing that you want to help others. And the music’s good, too! Best wishes for much success!

  103. Thanks for following my blog “Howl to Find Meaning.” I am a big believer in keeping with the positive flow of things and have enjoyed looking through your insightful website. Thanks again!

  104. Andrew, thanks for following my blog. I am new to blogging. This was my first blog and it really felt nice to find someone noticing i within a few minutes of my publishing it. Saw your vidoes. Impressed with your attitude and talent. Wishing you lots of success & happiness.

  105. Hi Andrew πŸ™‚ Thanks so much for following my blog!

    You’ve given me hope that if someone like you with an already established platform can follow me, then I’m doing *something* alright.
    I’m moved by your desire to help people discover their potential. I too, want to provide motivational support for people who are struggling to keep their chin up and hearts high.

    Sincerely, Cathy.

  106. Hi Andrew, thanks for following my blog. i really appreciate it. what was particularly amazing was the post that you liked. that was some post and i’m glad that you understood and liked it. thanks again Andrew.

  107. Thank you for following me! I just now saw you in my followers list, as I just now figured out how to look at it. I’m new at this/still trying to figure it out. πŸ™‚ I followed you back through email subscription. Does this mean that your posts will appear in my reader as well? I sure hope so!

    You are incredibly talented, at both writing & singing. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us! πŸ™‚

  108. Hi Andrew, thank you for liking my blog. Great to have you along for the journey. Some great work on here, I see by you too and I look forward to sharing more with you ^Stefan #yourleadershipcounsel

  109. Thanks for the follow! I am always amused when a complete stranger finds my small bog and is interested enough to follow it. I apologize in advance for any disappointment garnered by my lack of blogging. Best of luck to you in your endeavors!

  110. Just wanted to personally say “Thank You” for following me at Inspired2InspireCoachingServices. I see from former comments that others as well are trying to follow you, but there’s no follow button at the top except through email (bottom right).

    Thanks again!

  111. Hello Andrew,

    I am a huge fan of your blog; I find it very helpful and inspiring. I would be grateful if you could answer a set of questions I have. I have a β€˜guest interview’ section on my blog and was hoping that you would share some inspirational advice, so that readers could benefit from it? My blog focuses on giving helpful advice to recent graduates, who are finding it difficult to secure jobs or even work experiences for that matter, and your words of inspiration will go a long way. I would really appreciate your help. Do you have an email address to contact you with by any chance?

    Thank you so much, I look forward to hearing from you soon,


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