Live Life In Day Tight Compartments

We’ve all gotten bogged down in the events going on in our lives at one point or another and rather than enjoying our activities at a certain moment, we worry about what might happen. My suggestion for today is to stick to your decisions. If you decide to spend a day with your family, be […]

A Recipe For Instant Change

Do you have a behavior or habit that you’ve been wanting to change? Did you know that there is a concrete reason as to why you haven’t changed it yet? So what is it? It’s because you have uncertainty about whether it’s worth it or not. I’m still on my Tony Robbins kick so I […]

Hello From Austria!

Travelling to Europe is always an adventure in itself… this time I made the decision not to sleep when I got here and was literally walking around like a zombie by the end of the day. All totalled I spent 12.5 hours travelling and 30 straight hours awake.. I was nodding off in weird places.. […]

The Best Way To “Win” An Argument?

Dale Carnegie had it right with this one. I can remember many pointless discussions in social situations where I’ve felt like I was right and argued my point… …the problem is… no one wants to be around someone who has to be right. And I’m sure I put more than a few people off by […]

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